City of Davis Pickleball League anyone playing?

Names are still being added to our “Davis United PB Play List” on What’s App so feel free to follow the instructions below if that is something that appeals to you. DUPP 9/2020
...coming together to
enjoy pickleball in Davis, Ca.
Using the "group chat" feature of the cross platform "What's app", group chats have been created for "open play" sessions at Davis courts.
If you would like to see if anyone is interested in playing
1. download "What's app" app from or your favorite app store the "What's app" and looks for the "Davis United PB play" group chat
3.ask if anyone is playing.
To be added
If you would like to be on those group chats please.
1. download "What's app" app from or your favorite app store
2. email your request to
you name and phone number
3. you will be added
Muting the chat
If you need to quiet the chat
1. Open the app at the chat
2. Tap on the group name at the top of the page
3. Tap the "no" next to mute
4. Tap on one of the choices