City of Davis Pickleball League
...listening to our community
There have been questions on why the survey was constructed and why we asked the questions we did.
Purpose: to perform the first systematic assessment of the needs of Davis pickleball players. Further, this information will allow us to make data-based recommendations to the City Parks and Recreation Department on future facilities and programs.
The survey was limited to 10 questions to encourage participation, as well as limit cost. We may send out additional short surveys in the future to gather more information.
Question 1: Where do you live?
Our email list does not distinguish by location, so we want to know how many of the respondents represent Davis.
Question 2: On average, how many days a week do you play pickleball?
To understand the range of participation as well as utilization of the courts.
Question 3: When do you play?
To understand the utilization of the courts as well as to forecast future needs, especially at peak times.
Question 4: Where do you play on a regular basis?
To understand the utilization of the courts as well as to forecast future needs.
Question 5: With regard to pickleball in Davis, how important is each of the following to you?
To understand what’s important to our community and to forecast future needs.
Question 6: Assuming courts remain at Walnut, but are eliminated at Covell, where would you prefer new courts?
The City had promised to resurface and line the Covell courts for pickleball, but recently changed that plan to resurface them for tennis only. Further, there is a growing group of players who play at night. This question was designed to understand player preferences (if any) for the location of replacement courts for Covell and/or additional courts in Davis.
Question 7: If a pickleball group is formed, would you? (join, pay membership, not join)
The City is encouraging pickleball to form a non-profit organization and enter into a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City. City guidelines require a certain minimum membership to enter into an MOU. This question allows us to assess the potential membership at this time.
Further, there is a cost to form and maintain a non-profit, hence the question about paying membership fees.
Question 8: Have you played tennis in the past?
After discussion with the Davis Tennis Club, we see potential for better synergy and cooperation. Further, there is a story to be told to the City about how pickleball is part of the lifecycle of court sports for many people as they age. This question is to gather data on the relationship between tennis and pickleball.
Question 9: Do you still play tennis? If yes, how often and where?
Same as Question 8. This question is to gather data on the relationship between tennis and pickleball.
Question 10: Are you a Davis Tennis Club member?
For people who play both tennis and pickleball, asking them to join both clubs may be an issue. This question is to gather data on the overlap so we can explore solutions to that potential issue.
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